Sweet And Dark

Monday, August 31, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009


okay- this is really important.
if you do it i'll love you forever.
follow @30SECONDSTOMARS on twitter and then tweet @SweetAndDark to them, we could both win a prize, please :)

moving on to another subject- say hello to my friend Jack Skellington


Friday, July 3, 2009

got a tumblr...AND GET READY FOR SOUR 13

hey peepz. it's been a while!! like wow, so as you can see i made a new blog layout. hope you like it.
um, well i actually got ray bans like a month ago. but i was always too lazy to upload a pic of them.
the pic will be somewhere further down the post XD
and as i googled my fav band mates: Jared Leto, Shannon Leto and Tomo Milicevic, I found that Jared owns the exact same pair of ray bans as me, well they are aviator and light blue, so, i'm guessin they're like mine. of course my pic's in black and white, but my ray bans are light blue.
btw i know how it's like kind of creepy that i admire this band so much, BUT SEE IF I CARE, they're my liife, and if you think it's creepy, well...you're kinda right lol XD =]

same, right?

so anyways, me and my bff have decided to plan something for our 13th bday. As our bdays are just one month apart we though we could do something special, something original, something creative. The party's name so far will be Sour 13. Even though we live millions of miles apart we will pull through and manage. Of course, the party is still a whole year away, but who sais planning in adance isnt good?
Check Chloe out here . She fuckin kicks ass!

Chloe's my partner in crime, the sugar in my tea, the sharpener to my crayon...umm...you know what i mean, right?

So check her out, and i'm 100% sure you'll love her. If you don't, i'll make you love her.
trust me, you wont have the last laugh!
oops, how dumb am i? hello, the title reads tumblr, so here's the link to my tumblr.
haha XD

Sunday, June 14, 2009

this guy seriously makes the funniest faces~!!!

and to top things off, he is only in the coolest band in the world- 30 Seconds To Mars

That's right, the best band in the world [to me], the band that changed my life


here's IT

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Life/ teenage rebellion/ skullz

I don't feel that "gud" today. I miss so many people....


30 Seconds To Mars- A Modern Myth is probably the song that would best describe how I'm feeling today

Did we create a modern myth

Did we imagine half of it

What happened in a thought from now

Save yourself, save yourself

A secret is out

A secret is out

To buy the truth and sell a lie

The last mistake before you die

So don’t forget to breathe tonight

Tonight’s the last so say goodbyeA secret is out

A secret is out

A secret is out

A secret is out

Goodbye (17x)

Don't forget to follow me on twitter, and check out vampire girls.

Friday, April 24, 2009

holy crap. i think i'm twitter obsessed

that's right. i am officially twitter obsessed.
can't get enough of it. Please follow me here . oh and while you're at that, pls follow 30 Seconds To Mars here (they're in competiton with Oprah)
So anyways, todayy i went to Nisantisi...didn't get anything new (boouh!) but i got a huge cherry/chocolate cake!
did i mention i am cherry obsessed?
right now:
mood: bored
listening to: a mix of 30 Seconds To Mars and Richard Quest blabbing about on CNN
doing: my blog, twittering
thinking about: what i should wear tomorrow
wearing: black top, red leather belt, skinnys
eating: nothing
breathing: smoky, cigarette smelly air
hating: Hannah Pooptanah, paris hilton
loving: 30 Seconds To Mars!!!
missing: Chloe
chatting to: no one :(
looking at: the computer screen (duuh)

that's it dudes. got anything else?

lily allen...THE FEAR

30 Seconds To Mars. FROM YESTERDAY

byeee...sleep tight