Friday, January 9, 2009

sorry x1.000 000...really!

I am sorry in the extreme of sorrys and all apologies from me and myself. Never trust me with this kind if thing!
I did promise that I would take photos of my new buys, and I did, but I warn people with sensitive eyes that they are really bad...and if you want great STYLED ones on a figure, you should wait till tomorrow, but for now I will have to do with what I got.
As you probably know, the reason for my absence in blogging for over 3 days has been because of school. Yes, I started for the first time here on monday, yes, I am the "new kid", and with all the homework and late hours, I don't know how I will keep up with my blog. So, I have come to a conclusion, which is that I'll probably only be able to post on weekends, but I will do my best to post on weekdays, and if I do, the posts will be quite short.
Anyways, back to my buys and those blinding photos.

Yes, I know, you're probably jumping off your chair and thinking how anyone could post photos this terrible, but I swear, tomorrow, you'll get them styled and worn by me.
All (jacket, black knit dress, purple top/ dress, skinny jeans) from LTB Istanbul.

I can't tell you how relieved I am that it's the weekend. One more day of finishing at 5, and I would have dropped, fell to the floor, gone.

Thanks for taking time out of your precious life to see these atrocious photos taken by a 12 year old, who claims that she will have way better styled and worn outfits tomorrow.(And it's true, believe her!)

Yours truly,

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